U.S. Standards for School Snacks Move Beyond Cafeteria to Fight Obesity
By STEPHANIE STROM July 22, 2013
The Agriculture Department on Thursday effectively banned the sale of snack foods like candy, cookies and sugary drinks, including sports drinks, in schools, *** it harder for students to avoid the now-healthier school meals by eating snacks sold in vending machines.
周四,美国农业部(Agriculture Department)对学校的糖果、饼干以及含糖饮料(包括运动饮料)等零食实施了禁售令。这样一来,学生想要拿自动售货机里的零食代替现在的学校健康餐就更困难了。
“Parents and schools work hard to give our youngsters the opportunity to grow up healthy and strong, and providing healthy options through school cafeterias, vending machines and snack bars will support their great efforts,” Tom Vilsack, the agriculture secretary, said in a statement.
“家长和学校都努力给我们的青少年创造茁壮健康成长的机会,在自助餐厅、售货机和小吃部提供健康食品将是对这些努力的支持,”农业部长汤姆·维尔萨克(Tom Vilsack)在一份声明中说。
The new rules were required under the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, which was passed by Congress in 2010 with broad bipartisan support. The law, supported by Michelle Obama and drafted with an unusual level of cooperation between nutrition advocates and the food industry, required the Agriculture Department to set nutritional standards for all foods sold in schools.
新规定根据《健康、无饥饿儿童法案》(Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act)要求制定,该法案获得两党广泛支持,在2010年由国会通过。在总统夫人米歇尔·奥巴马(Michelle Obama)的支持下,营养食品倡导者和食品业进行了高级别的合作,共同起草该法律。该法律要求农业部为学校所售的所有食品设定营养标准。
The department had previously set the standards for fats, sugars and sodium in meals prepared in schools, and the new rules bring other foods under similar standards. When schools open in the fall of 2014, vending machines will have to be stocked with things like whole wheat crackers, granola bars and dried fruits, instead of M&Ms, Cheese Nips and gummy bears.
“By teaching and modeling healthy eating habits to children in school, these rules will encourage better eating habits over a lifetime,” said Margo Wootan, director of nutrition policy at the Center for Science in the Public Interest, which worked on the legislation. “They mean we aren’t teaching nutrition in the classroom and then undercutting what we’re teaching when kids eat in the cafeteria or buy food from the school vending machines.”
“通过向学校的孩子们教育健康饮食习惯和树立榜样,这些规定将终生鼓励他们形成更好的饮食习惯,”公共利益科学中心(Center for Science in the Public Interest)营养政策主任玛格·伍坦(Margo Wootan)说,“这意味着我们不会一方面在课堂上教营养学,另一方面却在孩子们在自助餐厅用餐或从学校自动售货机上购买食物时无视相关理念。”
Health advocates are taking the same approach to curb the consumption of fatty, sugary and salty foods that they did to reduce smoking: educating children in the hopes that they will grow up healthier and perhaps pass along healthy eating behavior to their parents.
Ms. Wootan said she was pleased that the rules would prevent the sale of sugary sports drinks like Gatorade in high schools. The drinks have already been withdrawn from elementary and middle schools, but Ms. Wootan said teenagers mistakenly think such drinks are healthier than sodas. “All they are is a sugary drink with added salt,” she said.
Some Republicans were critical of the new rules. Representative Lee Terry, a Republican from Nebraska, tweeted his opposition using the hashtag “nannystate” and writing “RIP tater tots.” Schools could probably sell Tater Tots, a hash-brown potato nugget made by Ore-Ida, if they were baked instead of fried.
但一些共和党人士对新规定不满。来自内布拉斯加州的众议院共和党议员李·泰利(Representative Lee Terry)在推特上使用“保姆式国家”的标签表示他的反对立场,并写道“油炸土豆泥可以安息了”。如果土豆是烤的而不是炸的,可能学校可以销售Ore-Ida出品的这种土豆饼。
Schools and big food and beverage companies have been trying to improve the nutritional quality of food sold in educational institutions for some time. The American Beverage Association, which lobbies on behalf of the beverage makers, noted that its members had already reduced the calories in drinks that are shipped to schools by 90 percent.
一段时间以来,学校以及大型食品和饮料公司一直尝试改善在教育机构出售的食物的营养质量。代表饮料制造商游说的美国饮料协会(American Beverage Association)指出,它的成员公司已经将供应学校的饮料中卡路里含量降低了90%。
The Grocery Manufacturers Association, which represents big food companies, applauded the new rules, though it said it would continue to encourage the Agriculture Department to phase them in gradually.
代表大型食品公司的食品杂货生产商协会(Grocery Manufacturers Association)对于新规定表示赞同,但表示它将继续支持让农业部循序渐进地实施新规定。
By STEPHANIE STROM July 22, 2013
The Agriculture Department on Thursday effectively banned the sale of snack foods like candy, cookies and sugary drinks, including sports drinks, in schools, *** it harder for students to avoid the now-healthier school meals by eating snacks sold in vending machines.
周四,美国农业部(Agriculture Department)对学校的糖果、饼干以及含糖饮料(包括运动饮料)等零食实施了禁售令。这样一来,学生想要拿自动售货机里的零食代替现在的学校健康餐就更困难了。
“Parents and schools work hard to give our youngsters the opportunity to grow up healthy and strong, and providing healthy options through school cafeterias, vending machines and snack bars will support their great efforts,” Tom Vilsack, the agriculture secretary, said in a statement.
“家长和学校都努力给我们的青少年创造茁壮健康成长的机会,在自助餐厅、售货机和小吃部提供健康食品将是对这些努力的支持,”农业部长汤姆·维尔萨克(Tom Vilsack)在一份声明中说。
The new rules were required under the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, which was passed by Congress in 2010 with broad bipartisan support. The law, supported by Michelle Obama and drafted with an unusual level of cooperation between nutrition advocates and the food industry, required the Agriculture Department to set nutritional standards for all foods sold in schools.
新规定根据《健康、无饥饿儿童法案》(Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act)要求制定,该法案获得两党广泛支持,在2010年由国会通过。在总统夫人米歇尔·奥巴马(Michelle Obama)的支持下,营养食品倡导者和食品业进行了高级别的合作,共同起草该法律。该法律要求农业部为学校所售的所有食品设定营养标准。
The department had previously set the standards for fats, sugars and sodium in meals prepared in schools, and the new rules bring other foods under similar standards. When schools open in the fall of 2014, vending machines will have to be stocked with things like whole wheat crackers, granola bars and dried fruits, instead of M&Ms, Cheese Nips and gummy bears.
“By teaching and modeling healthy eating habits to children in school, these rules will encourage better eating habits over a lifetime,” said Margo Wootan, director of nutrition policy at the Center for Science in the Public Interest, which worked on the legislation. “They mean we aren’t teaching nutrition in the classroom and then undercutting what we’re teaching when kids eat in the cafeteria or buy food from the school vending machines.”
“通过向学校的孩子们教育健康饮食习惯和树立榜样,这些规定将终生鼓励他们形成更好的饮食习惯,”公共利益科学中心(Center for Science in the Public Interest)营养政策主任玛格·伍坦(Margo Wootan)说,“这意味着我们不会一方面在课堂上教营养学,另一方面却在孩子们在自助餐厅用餐或从学校自动售货机上购买食物时无视相关理念。”
Health advocates are taking the same approach to curb the consumption of fatty, sugary and salty foods that they did to reduce smoking: educating children in the hopes that they will grow up healthier and perhaps pass along healthy eating behavior to their parents.
Ms. Wootan said she was pleased that the rules would prevent the sale of sugary sports drinks like Gatorade in high schools. The drinks have already been withdrawn from elementary and middle schools, but Ms. Wootan said teenagers mistakenly think such drinks are healthier than sodas. “All they are is a sugary drink with added salt,” she said.
Some Republicans were critical of the new rules. Representative Lee Terry, a Republican from Nebraska, tweeted his opposition using the hashtag “nannystate” and writing “RIP tater tots.” Schools could probably sell Tater Tots, a hash-brown potato nugget made by Ore-Ida, if they were baked instead of fried.
但一些共和党人士对新规定不满。来自内布拉斯加州的众议院共和党议员李·泰利(Representative Lee Terry)在推特上使用“保姆式国家”的标签表示他的反对立场,并写道“油炸土豆泥可以安息了”。如果土豆是烤的而不是炸的,可能学校可以销售Ore-Ida出品的这种土豆饼。
Schools and big food and beverage companies have been trying to improve the nutritional quality of food sold in educational institutions for some time. The American Beverage Association, which lobbies on behalf of the beverage makers, noted that its members had already reduced the calories in drinks that are shipped to schools by 90 percent.
一段时间以来,学校以及大型食品和饮料公司一直尝试改善在教育机构出售的食物的营养质量。代表饮料制造商游说的美国饮料协会(American Beverage Association)指出,它的成员公司已经将供应学校的饮料中卡路里含量降低了90%。
The Grocery Manufacturers Association, which represents big food companies, applauded the new rules, though it said it would continue to encourage the Agriculture Department to phase them in gradually.
代表大型食品公司的食品杂货生产商协会(Grocery Manufacturers Association)对于新规定表示赞同,但表示它将继续支持让农业部循序渐进地实施新规定。
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